« Elections: traps for idiots »?
« Elections: traps for idiots »!
Title in reference to Hollande’s motto at the time of his campaign for election to the presidency of France: “CHANGE IS NOW!
Democracies have condemned a foreign referendum! It had to be done, or are they trying to show us that democracies just mean that the people is forced to get the views of their leaders? Not very democratic all this, sound more tyranny! And that the people have the right to express themselves only on criteria decided by others than him? One of the slogans of May ‘68 (the last French Revolution!) was: « Elections: traps for idiots! » It seems that the truth of the slogan was not completely viewed. Elections are actually traps to catch idiots! And not only for voters who feel stupid when they realize they have been fooled. And do they catch many of those!
I remember, in an elevator in Brussels (Europe), having seen the following posted: « If elections could change anything, they would be outlawed! » The displayers were careful to use an impregnable glue so that their paper would stay a while. But it shows that even in the shelters of the « highest levels » of the community, some are not as naive as people or as rotten as leaders. This does not imply that they are heard outside elevator cars! Need I to remind you that the only talent to get elected is to be able to fool an audience and it prejudges NOTHING else, and certainly not how to run a country, or to know what « responsibility » means.
Who is the king of idiots; it is the elected one! Since he reigns over the idiots who participated in the election that trapped them … However, it would be enough for people to decide to stop accepting being taken for idiots so that everything could change, but this paradigm does not seem to be anxious to come… But it is true that democracies have condemned a referendum which did not take place at home, which extends deliciously the concept of “people”! Or the concept of the temptation of fascism?