The National Education system in France is the most unequalitarianist: BLATANT LIE!

The National Education system in France is the most unequalitarianist: BLATANT LIE!

The National Education system in France is the most unequalitarianist: BLATANT LIE!

And it is the government itself that demonstrates it! Is it not formed of the jewels produced by our education system? Assuming of course that its immigrants were educated at home … Now then, the meeting of our elites clearly shows an indisputable homogeneity: they are all equally stupid and unconscious.

But they all understood they would not have to pay for the damages…

They spend their time fidgeting in stating careless laws that produce considerable havoc knowing that somehow it is the people of assholes who will foot the bills and for the shit! As far as they are concerned, they keep the loot they steal from us and will continue to rob us on retiring…

And it’s done with a quite interesting apparent economy of means. It took thousands of deaths on September 11 to trigger the « war against the axis of evil » in the US, whereas with only a dozen victims, Charlie hebdo graced us the French version of the Patriot Act.

Redistribution of areas, clearly necessary and urgent, will obviously cause no expenses, not any more than changes in school timetables have caused upheaval in homes. All without clear relationship with the major objective announced by the government: reducing unemployment…

As for medics, this is not the “tiers payant” who will repopulate the countryside where assholes who finance social security have more and more trouble finding a doctor within 50 km from home. Or appointments within six months. But it is true that medical advances have eliminated emergencies…

Then I leave you choose between Valls, Taubira, Belkacem or even Macron, which is less equal concerning discernment.

Not to mention the mayor Hidalgo whose alternating traffic will force farmers to not pollute every other month, suggesting to « Europe » to do the same so we do not have to send them their migrant miasma without the Mediterranean smugglers being involved.

No! Our elites prove that our educational system is perfectly egalitarian. Its only bug is to dumb down, putting it in competition with other countries elsewhere.

« If you want crimes: make laws! » Sun Tsu, 25 centuries ago…

It is in his « Art of War, » a book that governments are not forced to read to apply…

It’s the LAW that says in what conditions you have to kill someone to call it a murder! So without law to define it, the murder would not exist!

Sun Tsu was a finer psychologist, in fact he knew that the statement of a law is a temptation to circumvent it… In other words, laws generate desires to cheat. But the bars, prison guards and locks of the prison set up by the judiciary are « ideas », something that borrows its strength from paranoia… so indestructible!

Maybe we will reach to compel the people to breathe seven times a minute, if we happen to have forgotten it, suffocated by the legal system.

Where will we go if the education system is redefined by those who have benefited from its prodigious results?

It’s been more than two centuries that the leftists have given us an education built on the worse of the Catholic schools, and two centuries during which they tried to correct the path to arrive at the current situation.

Do not worry, it is irreversible!

The « brilliant » Belkacem, who knows accusing her opponents of being all the more arrogant they are less sure of what they say, did not notice that she was the first to do so… well, maybe the second, because Valls is not bad either in the style, so much that one feels him distinctly nostalgic of Hitler … which would also not be surprising given the cult that his boss exhibit to Fidel Castro (fascinating fabulous name for someone who has no idea of what it means …).


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