What would I be without #103? From a Nexus stammering reader…

What would I be without #103? From a Nexus stammering reader…

What would I be without #103? From a Nexus stammering reader…

Afficher l'image d'origineHave I waited long enough for this number 103? I live light years (45) to the nearest bookstore and my weekly appointment with civilized land was canceled by a rude person on the first Friday of March! After a detour through Cassiopeia, I finally got my hands on the new delivery!!

As with most issues, the items listed on the cover are only an excerpt of the complete summary, and as the basis of posts should be about 1600 words, I will mention only a few items selected because I think I can bring them a kind of supplement…

Before I Forget, let’s speak of Alzheimer, the overdiagnosed…

Nexus has gathered information on the frantic way of diagnosing “Alzheimer’s disease” as soon as a senior over 35 years old cannot find his 12 wrench in his bathroom believing he is in his workshop…

In fact the true sign of this disease is to not remember his first name (Alois…) or where to put the ‘h’ in his unbearable name…

In my case I prefer to remember the first name, much easier to type…

And the problem is that Alois himself was suffering from the disease of allopath; the need to put a name to any condition to make it seems to exist, which Korzybski considered an abstraction. As allopathic are making random collections of symptoms, they have no problems to put labels on any “diseases”!

Because it is little known, but allopath is the ONLY THERAPEUTIC SYSTEM who treats DISEASES instead of caring for SICK PEOPLE! All other therapies, usually from a metaphysical source, (Hippocrates, Ayurvedic, Chinese) and even homeopathy inspired by spagyrie (the alchemical and hermetic medicine) like anthroposophic medicine, are polarized on health, to the point that it is passed into everyday language: “How’s your flu?” “ Oh, it’s healed, going very well, as for me I’m just finishing to die!” Actually once the “other” therapies are annexed by the West, they get out of hand very quickly to an allopathic perspective, and a Taoist would probably be surprised to see a practitioner of acupuncture care about the liver of a patient as if this liver was in a bowl and had no more relationship with the rest of the body. Because as soon as a Westerner hears about a particular organ, such as the intestine, the famous “second brain”, he falls back into his Aristotelian rut and “scientific”, or so he believes…

So the excessive frequency of diagnosis of Alois’ disease are only a tiny case of the blindness of medics paid by social security to guarantee the income of the labs through the side effects, statutory guaranteed by the AMA (American Medical Association). A much superfluous precaution as a “medicine” based drugs cannot lead to anything else…

When they made you believe that doctors and pharmacists take the oath of Hippocrates, there is a typo, they should say “hypocritical oath”! For where has the idea of “First do no harm” gone? And they call it their “code of medical ethics”! Medical hectic, maybe!

Other Hippocratic principles like: “Your food is your best medicine!” Or “When you feed a sick person, you harm her!!!” have obviously been carefully forgotten… And politicians are not the only ones at fault, as the doctors had insisted to explain to these clowns that their medicine was the only possible one… And the labs that have taken the bull by the horns and believed that they could take care of the food itself drugging consumers to make them into future patients, always with the blessing of the lobotomized trisomic authorities!

The word “holistic” was invented (in 1926 by a South African politician) to talk about the so-called alternative methods, but a Western dug in the analytical method has no chance to practice anything holistic, or even to understand really what it means. Because since Descartes, a “totality” is too complex and MUST BE dismantled in stuff that idiots could understand … And the idiots understand very well how to use allopath, failing to understand what they actually do…

Come on, let those sick go, and have a look on the moon which Nexus says that it is “not as dead as that.”

Moon Earth Sun and Stars: MESS four dis-asters!

Long before we’ve been told against all likelihood that moon was a dead thing, we were told that it revolved around the earth, and it attracted the tides… even on the side where the ocean is opposed to the moon.

Now all that is wrong!

First, the moon does not revolve around the earth; the whole rotates around their resulting center of gravity. Let’s give names! E is the center of the earth, and M that of the moon. On the EM segment, the center of gravity G is a little below the surface of the earth on the side of M. As the earth revolves around G, the whole mass of the earth away from M undergoes a centrifugal acceleration that forms the second tidal wave, to the opposite of M. Two mysteries still remain though: how is it that the gravitational tide caused by the pull of the moon is approximately the same as the centrifugal tide diametrically opposite to it? Both being of a very different nature! And how do we explain the variation of the tides coefficients that we see? The EM distance does not vary that much, not any more than the distance of the two accomplices and the sun! Nor even the center of gravity or the rotational speed???

My only intention is to take care of the scam of the second tide due to the attraction of the moon, for details of the rest, see your physics teachers that you had to trust and believe… They know more than me, since they are teachers!

Believing that the moon is dead is much more naive than these complex celestial mechanics considerations.

It would be enough to ask how we can speak of something dead in a universe where everything is moving, down to the “atoms” of our physicists…

Regarding an animal, death is the apparent cessation of motion. But it is just changing shape. Instead of talking about an animal that no longer exists we should look at the life that’s taking over elsewhere. If the body is in a forest, its meat survives in organisms like insects or bacteria that digest it. If it is on the stall of a butcher, it is in your belly that life will continue its race. In other words the body is not a dead animal, but a disappeared animal whose residues continue to “live” in another form, and at a different pace, and which we no longer see because we still seek for the animal it once was! Obviously, we can cheat with all this; if we incinerate the corpse, it is the flame that will be animated and the ashes will have only mineral and atomic life, still alive and invisible.

Life is the constant movement, or simply the continuing change, that is characteristic of our universe. A movement is animated by definition. And still by definition, by a soul (anima in Latin = that which animates)! And that’s why we can speak of the “soul of the universe”, which does not make it a thinking creature either! But it’s a little risky to decide that the moon with its mass can escape this universal movement, not to mention the fact that it “turns”.

It’s easy to be surprised by anything beyond the myopic and paranoid paradigm, but it is not because things are extra-ordinary, it is because our world view born in the West and spread by contagion across the globe today, is quite stupid! What we will continue to discuss with a third article in Nexus. A magazine claiming its search for the “reality for a change”, which at least has the merit of struggling to find an issue in this trap, a trap much more powerful than what is believed…

The belief in « experimental metaphysics »!

The idea is that to think of talking about God in the XXI century it means we would move from belief to experience?

But we are in the most wrong position to do it!

It’s only been less than a century since we accept, here, to take seriously the experimental evidence of parapsychology, that we admit the near death experiences because we have too many examples of it, the out of body experiences to which too many testify. And we still remain a little skeptical vis-a-vis psychokinesis…

Yet when someone makes an ashtray take off the table simply by postulating that the ashtray flies, we think of a miracle! Whereas if you lift your arm after having postulated that “The arm is raised,” it has nothing parapsychological at all! But in both cases we moved from a thought to an action. Though the movement of the arm is interpreted as coming from the interaction between the spirit and the nervous system, no one has brought any evidence of it, and nothing explains how the spirit communicates with the material or the electricity of the nerves.

I had a friend who often wanted to water his salads. So he would postulated the rain, and a few seconds later, he was watered, and his salads too, and the rain stopped when watering was sufficient for the salads.

Too bad you cannot believe it, because playing with the weather is within the reach of just about anyone, in any case all those to whom I suggested it, did succeed!

Well, all these things incompatible with our blind vision of the world, were known all over the planet before Aristotle, the King of the blind!

And now all these “natural” events are examined, through our nutty paradigm, which explains why we say such stupid things.

Nexus provides us with many examples, especially with the 3 “types of thinking” considered by Jean-François Houssais, because there are obviously different types of thinking, not different uses of a single type!

When a spirit leaves his body, it obviously completely changes its nature?!? Except that the type of consciousness we get out of the body can be experienced without leaving it, as if the location of the spirit could change its abilities! The understanding or pretensions of knowledge from scientists who want to make metaphysics experimental are absolutely heartbreaking. And that is not surprising since the extension of their materialist paradigm can just extend their field of experience, not their understanding and not their ability to extend this paradigm –inextensible by nature– to what has neither space no time, because it’s just the opposite which is possible. Ultimately you will reach the quanta “reverse causality” of Costa de Beauregard! To a physicist, if the universe does not work as it is believed, it is its fault, not the fault of the ideas from the physicist who walks on his head! If you have a truly metaphysical vision of the world you may shrivel it to the rationalists’ or other considerations, and it will cease to interest you at all, except to make the anthropology of homo sapiens sick of his modernity. Since 25 centuries!

See how things are! This post is already too long compared to the standard and I have not had time to tell you all that can be drawn from Out of Body Experiences… viewed from a practitioner, and metaphysician. So maybe in a future post, or a new opportunity to talk about Nexus, issue 104, for example…


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