Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 25 Confidence)
Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 25 Confidence)
Good! We’re pretty much equipped to address these stories about comparing wills between God and us, always remembering that we do not know much about Anthony’s God. But first a remark from our Doctor:
Impatience is a lack of confidence!
If we look well at what we said last time, to make our choice, we have at our disposal the same catalog of considerations (the Universal Possibility) as what we called God. You can even see in it the explanation that we would have been made “in His image”! And Anthony’s justification for advising us to “choose” to “feel good”! This paltry target (instead of being well) is probably betraying a lack of confidence of Anthony himself?
So we find ourselves in the same “situation that God”: having, as spirits, no arms or legs, we are reduced to having to “consider” what we have to choose. But we have two types of considerations: the first is only some kind of opinion that concerns only us, and another is the fact that what we consider is also considered achievable! But when God decides to choose a possibility to make it come true, He “demands” his Son to manifest it.
Can we do the same? The Verb Himself tells us that “Yes”, since He explains to Peter at the end of the Last Supper, that “As his Lord, He is at his (our) service)”! So unlike Anthony’s somewhat simplistic theology, we cannot do anything… other than to ask the Verb to manifest our considerations.
So why impatience would be a lack of confidence? The Word and His Father are in an area where there is no time. So manifesting an event should be instant! Yet would it, and this is the ONLY condition for our consideration to be manifestable, that is to say that it corresponds to a real possibility. If for example you want to move a solid material object to put it in a place where another already is, for your consideration to be a real possibility, it probably implies taking into account your own paradigm (which is modal and holds your substantial consideration implicitly at the basis of all those you are making) so that the obstacle which occupies the intended position clears the floor. Unless your paradigm considers two solid material elements can be in the same place at the same time! After all, we may well drive a nail into a beam!
That is, if your consideration does not manifest immediately, rather than getting agitated, a new consideration which only concerns your spiritual or mental state, see if something in your paradigm or in the corresponding reality would renders this manifestation impossible. Because the limitations of your paradigm have already been taken into account by the Verb Who has also manifested them. So your impossibilities can only come from you when you chose your paradigm, i.e. most often during your childhood when you decided to believe what you were told, even if the adults around you (parents, family friends, teachers) did not leave you much choice. The most powerful people I met, who were capable of psychokinesis, are totally uneducated (or almost) and that’s what gives them their freedom to manifest considerations, except they usually do not know to what they owe that!
Now I do not know precisely what Anthony means by:
Knowing how and when it’s useless!
But I have just given you the basics to answer this question. You are well aware of certain elements of your paradigm, like, probably, the belief that two solid things cannot interpenetrate each other, in which case do not consider a situation that you know (or believe) that it is impossible.
I renew my encouragement to play with the weather. This is an area where you know from experience that everything is possible, even if you have been indoctrinated about anticyclones, depressions, cold and warm fronts, cumulus and cirrus. And you could see that the forecast from weather experts are particularly inaccurate. So unless you are in a total drought, if you need rain, consider it rains!
But do not tell anyone. Considerations from several minds combine together, and there will always be some wise guy who will consider the contrary just to ridicule you… A few times I have briefed my circle about my weather considerations, but it was because I was sure I could trust them. For example, I pointed to a producer of concerts who was chickweed for its outdoor concert with a threatening weather forecast all over the district, that not a drop would fall until the end of the concert in question. And in fact the rain came falling at the very second we put away the last piece of equipment! But the producer had no personal interest in any rain, so I felt safe! And above all, remember that this is your considerations which will be taken into account by the Verb, EXACTLY AS YOU CONSIDER THEM! So do NOT doubt and make sure that your paradigm does not include doubts either. Like: “It is not possible to make it rain!”
Is this to say that:
The will of God is our will?
Of course not, even if it looks like it! God’s will is expressed through His choices, so one does know them only once the Verb has fulfilled them. I find that on my side, to utter the phrase of the heading, by reading the sentence in one direction, we must claim to know the will of God so that we make it our own, or, reading the sentence in the other direction, we claim God expects our wills in order to do make them His own! In both cases it’s a little megalomaniac!
It is the Verb that is “at our service”, not His Father Who makes His own direction and over Which we have no action.
In other words, do not consider that you are a millionaire, if you have ever thought at a distant time and for a split second that you had a destiny of a bum, for whatever reason. And review what was said about oppositions, so do not exhaust yourself to believe that “you are not a bum”… this is not how we cancels a consideration! We can come back to it, if you like!
A new notice from our Doctor:
Believing is seeing!
Just a few years ago I had seen in a shop in Florida a book entitled: “Believe it and you will see it”. It goes a bit in the gums of Thomistic fellows who: “Believe only what they see”, but if you are one of these, you have missed a crucial step in the Gospels. The remark of Christ in response to Thomas, is indeed: “Happy is he who knows without seeing,” often translated: “Blessed is he who believes…” But I hope you now know what the efficiency of beliefs or credulity is…
In other words, my personal version would be: “Consider it and you will see it”. At one time I used to test my independence from my mind by throwing crumpled paper in the trash without aiming. The days I was in shape, you should have seen the unbelievable trajectories of my dumplings! I do not suggest you to play it too much unless you have noticed that your paradigm was quite open about any possible movements of objects, which is a personal characteristic of mine… But nothing (and certainly not me!) prevents you from trying to play. If you find your floor covered with crumpled paper afterwards, simply move on….
Expectations can be deceiving…
I do not know why Anthony takes the oratory precaution of saying that they “can be”. Especially after saying that impatience was a lack of trust…
Turning to his following comment:
Thoughts of the past are energy leaks
It seems that his vision for energy is rather modern. It is the thoughts that provide the possibility that the Word manifest it or not. When you start or stop a storm, do not worry: You do not need to “create” (or believe you do it by an effort in “focusing”) the corresponding energy with your mind: let the Verb do his job! Otherwise your life as a “manifester” will quickly wear you out while it should be the opposite.
But whatever the imprecision of Anthony’s term, it is true that the thoughts of the past, whether the recall of cherished or hatred memories, or stuff recovered at the corner of a course at school or at the corner of a magazine on the subway…, forget it. Base yourself on your personal observations: if they were true when you made them, they are still true, and so even if you can give a “date” when you have understood them, that date is irrelevant. When do you know that “2 and 3 make 5”? Or when did you know it? This is true even since before the manufacture of the world, so…
Get used to live in the eternal present. This is not just a way to escape the temporal present and its worries…
After reviewing some of Anthony’s interesting suggestions, let’s end this post by an indication that I find disturbing or dangerous:
Observe your thoughts!
It depends on how we understand that! If this is an invitation to watch your considerations to be sure not to make dumplings, I’m having trouble agreeing. It is a return to your old way when you were careful to control what you did. Because you were traumatized by your failures and you were trying to avoid new ones, making efforts or reflecting. Two ways to refer to the past which we said we had to break free from.
The “beginner’s luck” is not a myth and I’m sure it has happened to you… In other words when you do something (which reduces to make a consideration, if you have followed so far) without worry, as if it were a game, it is working very well. And do not worry about doing eventual damage: like everyone else (don’t do this, don’t do that) you have enough considerations in your paradigm that protect you, so you do not have to do anything special to avoid them.
However, something that can be of relative value is to review what you believe impossible or the considerations that seem normal while their consequences ruin your life. Like trying to lose weight blaming your overweight to the fact that you do not follow the order to eat 5 fruits or vegetables a day… and therefore finding NORMAL that you are fat…