Charlies, my darlings, this time you can be proud!
Charlies, my darlings, this time you can be proud!
Considering that the new awareness of the newspaper may have passionate families, there are nearly a quarter of then 60 million French who could have read the new issue #1178!
In other words, how many of them have discovered what they claimed to be whether they were parading or not with their little signs? And how many have realized that they should not have to identify themselves with that kind of childish provocateurs who really do not deserve raves to their authors, and their discreet intelligence…
Do not worry, moreover, not those who do not pretend to be Charlie saw what the Charlies were mostly, except for a few dozen players who bought at this toilet paper before the massacre, who were of a rare intelligence, since they identified themselves with a completely unknown thing from them, on the basis of a rumor invented by a genius of manipulation. In less elegant words, you have demonstrated to those who have decided not to be Charlie that you were stupid, irresponsible, lobotomized!
A sense of déjà vu, in Jerusalem, a while ago…
This flood of stupidity is not really new. Remember, 20 centuries back. Three dummies announced to the people that they held a crappy fucker, moreover unknown since there was neither newspapers nor the Internet and its « social networks », and they all left their homes to go see him get killed on the summit of the Golgotha. This was all the more remarkable that some time ago, they had welcomed the stranger with olive branches shouting of « Hosanna! »
The problem is actually the number of buyers of the new Charlie who would not have understood what they had fallen in, which we’ll know in the next few weeks, and this will give a precise inventory of the intellectual level of the French, as if the election of Hollande and all “our” representatives who applauded standing as well-behaved small doggies (or sheep, except these do not applaud!) do not already provide a worrying indication…
So if the worst is confirmed, do you think the scariest threat always come from the « jihadists » and not from 15 million and some morons?
Unlike Charlie who despises God and his messengers, I do not despise the idiots. I just have a little trouble swallow those who professionally are involved in their manufacture: professors, teachers, journalists, politicians, psychologists, and that’s enough for now! Because stupidity is not the normal state of the human being, even if it has not been too visible for some time. But there are also the bullshit broadcasters who, while not making it their profession, help the manufacturers by spreading the disease. The climax, when one is stupid, is to be proud of it, as when you were waving your smart prospectus. As long as a discerning spark remains, one can be idiot without the need to be proud of it. And that’s why, if you’re still Charlie after reading the issue causing so much waves over the planet according to the French media, your situation is irreversible and irremediable (because remember, if the error is human, persistence in the error is from the Devil!) So I do not love you too much, but I pity you as victims instead.
It was already not the Paradise on earth, but now being surrounded by devils has nothing appealing!
But the explosion in popularity of Hollande, who became an acceptable head of state, simply because he left the police and the army do their jobs, provides a bleak prognosis…
I have some reasons to think that the financial concerns of the French will quickly resurface and that, when Hollande will have to face areas where he has no reliable professional to help, his popularity ratings will fall back where they came from.
Que sera, sera …