Sine, Qua, Non!
This title is another pitiful attempt of a French pun as Siné is a former contributor to Charlie, and the Latin Sine qua non, “translates” as “Sine , What, No”! I apologize, but bilingual humor has some pitfalls…
But, well! Everyone is not Charlie, far from it!
It is a new miracle of TF1: On the 12th they were interviewing passers by not too enthusiastic about the magic phrase and on the 13th they indicated that several Arab countries did not appreciate at all the new cover of Charlie (I’ve done my review of it on my side). And some countries enjoy it so little that it is even forbidden there!
As in Morocco where even the demonstrations in memory of the victims have not been possible. And about this country, I suggest with glee to go to the « Episode 1 » Bel39al. The facilitator has a freshness that contrasts nicely with the constipated look of « representatives » of Islam in the West. Obviously he speaks Arabic, but there are subtitles (I hope you’ll get them in English), and illustrative videos are in French (and I hope you’ll bet the dubbed). He reviews a dozen points that stuck, including the presence of Charlie’s personnel climbed on the roof of the building with bulletproof vests! One point is Netanyahu’s assignment to the role of manager of the fuzz, which is not improbable at all but neither proven nor documented. Which leaves us with the choice between an « anti Islam » troop and another one « anti-Semitic », at least allegedly for both groups. An unappetizing choice.
But closer to home, even former Charlie employees end up expressing themselves. This is the case of Siné, an old timer announcing about Charb, Cabu and Wolinski that « They were eating and partying with the power »! So you are still Charlie? Or do you begin to understand that you were naive? Thank Joachim Roncin to have inspired this pitiful slogan, and note that the Inpi (the French Patent office) refuses to make it a trade mark, because obviously the crafty have tried to capture the benefits of the media windfall.
Another miracle: Le Monde (on the 14th, a major paper in France) itself has found that: « The real question is not that of freedom of expression is one of respect. » But I’ll offer soon a course on manipulating techniques with language… to avoid, for example, to fall into the trap of « Freedom is a universal right » belched by Charlie Hebdo, on the 15th, with the silly but inevitable explanation « Because the pen will always be above barbarism … »! But are not them right to take their readers for idiots?
A decline that Dieudonné could not resist, but inaccessible from the web that corrects the typing « I am Shoarlie »! It is true that, in the current mess, it was tempting…
And let’s conclude with Jean-Marie Le Pen (founder and former president of the FN), but this time there is no quick neither surprise: « All these people are walking with the sign « I’m Charlie » when in fact they are « charlots » responsible the decadence of France. […] They try to transform feelings of grief into positive political operation. Hoping to raise the rating of Mr. Holland. » His outspeaking makes me regret that he passed his hand to his daughter Marine …