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Category: English

Anthology of global world scam…

Anthology of global world scam…

The following quotes are normally in the public domain and copyright free, in fact I knew them, but their list was retrieved on who compiled them, a site that I recommend if you are brave (very) and you do not feel too “Charlie”! Starting with someone at home (France), a very old one: Honoré de Balzac « There are two histories: the official history, a liar, and the secret history, where the true causes of events are.” [Honoré de Balzac…

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The (inter) national hypocrisy party: a roaring business!

The (inter) national hypocrisy party: a roaring business!

I‘m emotionned! All these people unitised to honor the values of the republic. The union of all French parties (except the FN, of course, those illegal immigrants, and myself, who cannot even writen in English anymore!). To honor (because the unconscious provocateurs have become respectable…) a handful of victims of anti libertarian fanatics. They were indeed representative of Republican values, racist and anticlerical! Look closely: national democratic values at drop the mask! Speaking of the FN, I appreciated the position…

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Are we all Charlie or Charlots?

Are we all Charlie or Charlots?

Are we all Charlie or Charlots? I never bought Charlie Hebdo as reading it was driving me sorry, Wolinsky in particular. In other words, I left the silly Charb and his friends to the morons. Their childish way to make free provocations did not plugged me in, frankly… But we live in a great time. The world apparently pays tribute to those who were known only to a very small number of readers because Charlie was on the verge of…

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The author

The author

The pupil and the student without notes or ranking. My parents were actors and spent their time touring. I was raised by my grandmother who ran a private school. I felt frustrated because the other kids abandoned me to continue to “play” in their classrooms, so I asked grandmother to allow me to go “play” with them. She was careful not to explain that they were going there to study, not to play! Without undergoing the usual pressure among students,…

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How to Put Order in the Paradigm

How to Put Order in the Paradigm

Maybe you noticed that when scientists are disrupted by quantum phenomena they try to find dimensions beyond the three observable, while our Infinity gives us as many as we want, except that there is nothing geometric in them since, apart from the material (or “bodily”) universe, everything is by nature the “same spot”! Looking at it a little closer we already know how to find something other than space and/or time. In our material world, we must give the geographical…

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Good! So, where do we start? Since my blurb, I came across a quote from Descartes which seems to me entirely appropriate: “We must, once in our life, get rid of all the opinions that have been received and rebuild again, and from the foundation, the system knowledge.” If you are not careful, you might think that this is pretty much what I said in my homepage! But there are nuances. He speaks of “rebuilding the system of knowledge”. But…

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All references to the Socratic midwifery (birth of the spirits) is appropriate… You have a paradigm: everyone has one! This is your “world view”. But which “world” are you speaking of? Take the short test below: Is your paradigm aware of the existence of two daily tides with only one moon to attract them? Does your paradigm take into account that the electrons move in a vacuum (as in cathode ray tubes of the first TVs) while the vacuum is…

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A paradigm change, about Africa Centre

A paradigm change, about Africa Centre

A paradigm change, about Africa Centre The base of the myopic paradigm of the NOW is that removing the independent nations will avoid wars! Watch Out! There is no question of removing the armed… In fact, in their wisdom, the promoters of the NWO know that we can have wars without nations (they have sufficiently practiced that for centuries), and therefore it is expected that the armies would deal with civil wars since the NWO does not seem to guarantee…

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