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Category: English

Is he scared, François: « We must pull FN voters »

Is he scared, François: « We must pull FN voters »

Is he scared, François: « We must pull FN voters » Declaration made privately to 8 readers of “le Parisien” that the paper was quick to make public! Assuming that the guests have heard his speech, pathetic as usual, the FN has lost 8 voters! How many interviews do we need for the PS and the UMP be recognized for the dummies they are! “Intimidated to come together to ask the President freely!” Why not! Was their Freedom up to tell him…

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Is Putin becoming stupid? Anyway for journalists, it’s not getting any better…

Is Putin becoming stupid? Anyway for journalists, it’s not getting any better…

Is Putin becoming stupid? Anyway for journalists, it’s not getting any better… Boris Nemtsov was shot down on 27 February. Journalists-who-know-it-all without having ever understood anything (a reminder of the Bourgeois of Molière!) rushed along with word diplomacy (largely as intelligent) to castigate the strangeness of Russian democracy. Second hypothesis … Some noted, however, that as a good old KGB guy, Putin would not have been so stupid as to get rid of his opponent that way and there. The…

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Paris Agricultural Fair: the choice is clear between « To Hell, sucker » and the hero of the toothless poor

Paris Agricultural Fair: the choice is clear between « To Hell, sucker » and the hero of the toothless poor

Paris Agricultural Fair: the choice is clear between « To Hell, sucker » and the hero of the toothless poor This new agricultural show is a blessing: it has brought back to memory the sentence of a racy elegance of our former President at a previous fair, and thus enables us to appreciate the choice we will have in two years (next election). Between the guy of two-neurons, and the one who eats all the racks! To the polls, citizens! Prepare your…

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Holland against global warming: is he frosty enough?

Holland against global warming: is he frosty enough?

Holland against global warming: is he frosty enough? I think I understand why Holland cannot handle unemployment! This is because his real expertise is about global warming! And since he cannot reassure the French (even promising not to run for re-election if unemployment is not set), he went to reassuring Filipinos in Manila! Unstoppable bullshit! After rescuing Cuban from the hostility of Obama, Ukrainian from the threat of Putin, he is going to save the planet! And he may succeed!…

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False Flags seen by Paul Ponssot at Stopmensonges (French for StopLies)

False Flags seen by Paul Ponssot at Stopmensonges (French for StopLies)

False Flags seen by Paul Ponssot at Stopmensonges (French for StopLies) I generally agree with the review of Paul Ponssot about Charlie or 9/11, but I am not writing to discuss this or that point of detail which, basically, we will probably never know. Soulless entities I would rather draw attention to curiosities of personal language, like when he talks of Lucifer and his troops calling them “soulless entities”. When one substitute his own vocabulary to talk about a concept…

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Temperature 49.3 °C this is a fever, they are snotty, they have the flu! Are they contagious!

Temperature 49.3 °C this is a fever, they are snotty, they have the flu! Are they contagious!

Temperature 49.3 °C this is a fever, they are snotty, they have the flu! Are they contagious!   No, but! Where does daddy Valls believe is? Where did he see, they had “succeeded” in anything to help national security with his Holland, and could take advantage of this “result” to care for the economy with their Macron? When will we send these kids back to their kindergarten or Medical Pedagogical Institute. We’ll see if these zombies are contagious at the…

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January 2015: the new complot is more than a theory once more…

January 2015: the new complot is more than a theory once more…

January 2015: the new complot is more than a theory once more… September 11, everyone saw the plane crashing into the WTC, and nobody saw anything! On January 7, we saw some video of the knockout gave to officer Ahmed Merabet, and there was not only no blood, but no shock to his head even we could even see the trace of the rebounding bullet on the sidewalk about 2 feet too far… The bewildered who want to see evidence…

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Charlies, my darlings, this time you can be proud!

Charlies, my darlings, this time you can be proud!

Charlies, my darlings, this time you can be proud! Considering that the new awareness of the newspaper may have passionate families, there are nearly a quarter of then 60 million French who could have read the new issue #1178! In other words, how many of them have discovered what they claimed to be whether they were parading or not with their little signs? And how many have realized that they should not have to identify themselves with that kind of…

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Freedom of thought! Yes, but do you know what thought is, and WHAT is thinking?

Freedom of thought! Yes, but do you know what thought is, and WHAT is thinking?

Freedom of thought! Yes, but do you know what thought is, and WHAT is thinking? An experience for your paradigm which allows you to understand that you ARE this WHAT… This is not psycho, it is experimental metaphysics! I invite you to an experience of a rare complexity. But first check the following: can you close and open your eyes? I am obliged to take your silence as a yes. It means that you have a body that you can…

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« Elections: traps for idiots »?

« Elections: traps for idiots »?

« Elections: traps for idiots »! Title in reference to Hollande’s motto at the time of his campaign for election to the presidency of France: “CHANGE IS NOW! Democracies have condemned a foreign referendum! It had to be done, or are they trying to show us that democracies just mean that the people is forced to get the views of their leaders? Not very democratic all this, sound more tyranny! And that the people have the right to express themselves only on…

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