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Category: English

Foggy New Age (#2 Confusions)

Foggy New Age (#2 Confusions)

Foggy New Age (#2 Confusions) Confusion # 3: Energy and the unmoved mover We just talked about this unmoved mover, but it is here to discuss a new sleight of hand on the considerations of Neale-God on the fact that time does not exist. In Volume 2, we learn that (I quote): “life (you might as well call it God) is pure energy. This energy is always in constant vibration. It moves in waves”. Therefore God himself vibrates! But how…

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The first Nexus of the year a great perspective for 2016!

The first Nexus of the year a great perspective for 2016!

The first Nexus of the year a great perspective for 2016! How will we ever thank Nexus for having made us aware of the existence of the too discreet “Article 3”, you do not know it either? Yes? Then you are one of their 140 members or one of the 4400 signatories of their petition! To get out of this grotesque form of democracy: the hope is the “RIC”! “Referendum by Citizens’ Initiative”! “Article 3” offers a French version of…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 49 Apotheosis)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 49 Apotheosis)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 49 Apotheosis) The episode of the Jubilee! In fact it will be the 50th, the one that does not exist and that you will write yourself, because if God rested on the seventh day, that’s 7 times 7 episodes during which I serine you my nonsense… so far. I finally rest and I end with an: Ode of Praise to the most extraordinary civilization that this planet has ever…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 48 Size)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 48 Size)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 48 Size) A quick state of affairs: we managed to find a shoehorn to cram a host of possibilities in a dimensionless principle, and we will have to also squeeze in it a complete universe with its cafés and mopeds… Would this kind of tour de force be a job for God and his Word? I had already posted this text when for the second time one of my…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 47 Period)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 47 Period)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 47 Period) When there is nothing left, there’s still more! Because you really thought to be able to tour the considerations available to humanity in just a few sheets? Practical exercise: you’ll have to tolerate my fantasies! As usual, I lied to you, my last example was not the last because I saved for more hunger. Consider the government of a people is handled by the people themselves. And…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 46 Layers)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 46 Layers)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 46 Layers) Here we are to demonstrate that I am as stupid as a standard product of Education… and rationalist geniuses as idolized by my contemporaries… except that you will not take me for an idol, or it would be an inexplicable blunder… There is no more room for hallucinations What will make the link with hardline imagination: imagine a hippo in your office. It will have all the…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 45 Order)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 45 Order)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 45 Order) The more we advance towards the solution, the more it seems to elude us! Indeed, we need to relax a little facing what we need to address and resolve… In fact we have a mighty luck thanks to the possibilities that can manifest… What if we put stalls in our stables? We’ll have now to deal with some special possibilities: the “domains” of the manifestation, commonly regarded…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 44 Robots)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 44 Robots)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 44 Robots) We have seen how we deduced too quickly that our mind was easy to use… But for our defense, all the habits of our society made us wrong. And let’s return on our need to be dependent on it and giving it the records of our behavior to make them automatic. This episode will pick up on part of the solution… Training or education? If it is…

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 43 Spirit)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 43 Spirit)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 43 Spirit) Quantum or magic? Let’s summarize to be sure that you know how to do, because what I am going to speak of, I have not fully tested due to time constraints. Basically, what I call a quantum therapy is akin to magic or witchcraft: it is to achieve therapeutic results by using thought alone, sometimes with the involuntary complicity of the mental whose bad habits are diverted….

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Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 42 Physiology)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 42 Physiology)

Will 21st century therapy be quantum, metaphysical or simply logic? (No. 42 Physiology) A few sentences to give you examples of truly quantum therapies. Evil Pharmacist! Do as I say, not as I do! The stepfather of a colleague was a pharmacist. When one of his sick contemporaries came to see him, he sold him drugs! But when he was sick himself, he actually took the suitable drug on its shelf … and went up to leave the box on…

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